Saturday, September 8, 2012

Adventures in India-Delhi Day Three

Day three in Delhi-August 30th. I'm starting to get in the swing of things. I'm lucky in that I rarely, if ever, get jet lag when I travel, so I'm back on my normal sleep schedule. Don't have much to say about today, so enjoy the pictures! 

One of the dogs in my mom's neighborhood that she feeds milk to every day. 

We took a bike rickshaw to the local copy shop (here they call them "photostat shops". The bikes in India are mostly all single gear and old-fashioned. I think these guys would benefit from some updated bike technology, but they seem to do fine. 

My mom was the most colorful and calm thing in the photostat place: 

In New Friends Colony, which has apartment complexes as well as a shopping area, a bunch of street kids were running, playing and begging. Some of the street kids run around naked:

Not sure if they're waving or posing or what! 

After we ran some errands, including new glasses for both of us (ridiculously cheap at a total of  $54 for my exam, and a pair of glasses each), we went to get lunch at Nahtu's Sweets. They have dozens and dozens of different types of Indian-style candies and sweets. I had a bite of one and just about went into diabetic shock. For lunch today I opted for a traditional Thali, which is a sort of mixed plate of different foods including a mini dosa, an idli, some soups, coconut chutney, and about 4 other things I couldn't identify, all for about $3. Many shops in india are "veg" (no meat, but has dairy/egg in it) or "pure veg" (vegan). Awesome for me, sucks for most of you! 

My mom at Nathu's: 

We ended up going back a few times. Their butter masala dosa is AMAZING, especially with coconut chutney. mmmmmmmmmmmmm. 

Tomorrow, Rishikesh!